Friday, June 24, 2011

Talent Show

I have been very interested lately in possessing a special talent. I mean, I have, I guess what you would consider "special talents" that no one knows about; like that I can play piano, or sing. Things I can do, but it's not something I bring up in everyday conversation - "Standard Talents". 
     However, I'm not talking about those kind of talents. I'm speaking about the kind of talents that you can pull out at parties, and impress people. "Party Talents" ; an ability to do a back handspring, or a secret poker talent that took  your dorm by force. Things you don't do all the time, but you can whip out to impress people.   
   I have this friend, and she has a really, really cool talent. It's awesome, and way surpasses any party talent that I could ever dream of having. The thing about her talent, however, is she doesn't want to share it, ever, with anyone. It's just her little piece of herself, just for her. She never talks about it, but sometimes it just slips out, and your swept up in the awe of her. A true "Secret Talent".  
     I have another friend, and she has no problem showcasing her talents for everyone to see. She practices it, hones it, and never stops learning about it, constantly improving it and, of course, showing it to the world. The kind of talent we often see on T.V., or listen to on the radio. What we would think of as "Star Talent." 
    As I was driving home tonight, listening to the radio, and thinking about how I wish I could be a secret Black Jack superstar, I had a thought. Faith can very easily be put into talent categories. Let me break it down.  
     Standard Talent 

    A standard talent faith would be something everyone has, and is not that hard to obtain. Sure, with a little training, anyone could play "Hot Cross Buns" from middle C, or sing "Happy Birthday" on key. Anyone can have faith that the bus will come, or they'll have that shirt in your size. However, a lot of the time people use that same kind of faith, and apply it to God. That "Ho, Hum, life is Good" kind of thing.  Just like believing the bus will come, we believe that God is good. That is, until the bus doesn't come. When they tell you that they're out of stock in that size. When your girlfriend breaks up with you. When your dad becomes sick. Then, just like that, you're finding a new ride to school. Like my once great piano skills, you put it on the shelf, and don't look at it for years. God isn't doing your plan, your idea of what God should do- he's bad, he's mean. Sure, you'll say you can do it- I told someone just today that I could play the piano. You'll say you believe in God. But when it comes time to show yourself, you'll say, "Oh, I'm not that good at it anymore." It's something you once had, and will want to still have, but it's long since gotten rusty. 

Party Talents 

     Now, this is tends to be people's favorite kind of talent. It's loud and lets you show off, but it calls for no real commitment or actual skill. You're one trick pony show. It's that guy you know who can lick his elbow, or cartwheel with one hand. It's fun to watch, but has no depth. In Faith, it's Saying It, Not Showing It. This kind of faith is the kind of faith that makes nonbelievers mad. The hypocrites. The people who say one thing, but do another. It's like knowing a couple of choice Bible verses, and shouting them off between shots. That's an exaggeration, but it doesn't sit well, does it? No one wants to be considered that person, but so often we are. I could be the greatest black jack player in all of the world, but if you took me to Vegas and put me down at a poker table, I'd be penniless before the tournament even began. Just like those people who claim to know Jesus, but you ask them a question, and they come up short. They want to be a gymnast, but got so wrapped up in the cartwheel and all it's glory, they forgot about the back handspring. They're the people who heard that God forgives all, so they continue to simply use him as fire insurance, rather than embracing the chance in a relationship with the Father. A Fun & Games Faith. 

Secret Talent 

   Now, these are the people who really get it. They kick butt, but they're embarrassed. They don't want to be show offs. They spend hours working on their doubles, but are too shy to show anyone what they can do. They know God, and love Him, but they're afraid of the rejection and humiliation they might encounter, so they practice it in private. Sometimes, though, try as they might, it slips out. In P.E., someone might see them nail a perfect triple, but they will deny it. I, for so long, was this person. To you, I want to say, take courage. Do not be afraid - you have reason to celebrate. Psalm 56:3-4 

Star Talent 
    I was in theater for a long time, so as a veteran, I can say, that most people secretly hate people with Star Talent. They're just so good, the way they grace the stage, shoot the hoop, take that perfect shot, and it makes us jealous. We don't really hate them though, do we? They can't help but do what they love. They love to pursue their talent, make it better, be incredible, and share it with the world. We all, deep down, wish we had this kind of passion for something. This is the kind of faith God wants us to have for him. He wants to be pursued, he wants you to choose him, to dwell in his presence, to be with him everyday. Most importantly, though, He wants us to shout his name from the rooftops, to let the whole world know how we feel about our God. He is good. 

     My youth pastor always says, "It's ok to be (spiritually) immature, but it's not ok to stay there." What talent are you? I'll be honest with you, I have been every single one of these, and often I waver between the last two. No one is perfect, or ever knows all the answers - just like we can always learn something new, and improve our talents. Keep pushing forward, and I promise you, it will be worth it. It won't always be easy, but the fruit will be sweet. 
   If you ever have questions, or want to talk, I'm always free. No matter who or what you are.

Keep Singing,
Olive :)