I love Daniel Radcliffe. I love Jason Sudeikis. I think they are both very talented at what they have done in life. Obviously, both men know the principles of work effort, and getting what they want out of life. I think it's interesting when Sudeikis asks Radcliffe if there was any truth to succeeding in business without even trying. I don't think, for the most part, that is true at all. You get what you reap (except for the few times you may get lucky) So, as my high school time comes to a close, I have collaborated a set of "guidelines", if you will, that I have collected from mentors, experiences, and just life, and composed a set of life lessons. It's important for people going onto their next ventures in life, but really can apply to anyone who just wants to get the most out of the short time we have here. I don't mean to step on anyones toes, and I apologize up front if I do. I'm not trying to call anyone out- I'm guilty of breaking all of these rules at one time or another. This is honestly how I live my life, or try to, within the best of my ability. I call it,
"How to Succeed at Life"
Rule #1: Own it.
Nobody cares if your sister, your brother's mother, your brother's mother lover is doing it, did it, has it, wants it, etc. What matters in life, is the choices YOU make. I know, everyone says it, but seriously, nobody cares if you don't think it's a bad thing, or it was no big deal, or whatever. If you're in the wrong, you need to own it. There is no point trying to hide behind your mistakes, because I don't care what anyone says, you are judged by that. It's not pretty, but it's true. I don't care if when you called that girl a skank, you didn't mean that she was a trashy floozy, but really just a fun girl, because if someone hears you saying that, they're going to think "Oh my gosh, that girl is a trashy floozy!" and alot of times in life, you don't get the chance to give your own definition. What's done has been done- nobody's perfect. If you're going to say it, you need to own it. If you're going to choose a party lifestyle, you need to own it. You will get no respect from anyone because you say she made you, or it's peer pressure, or you just want to have fun. You put yourself in that situation, and unless someone literally opened your jaw and slammed that koolaid down your throat, it was all you. I understand, that sometimes, peer pressure can be tough. Trust me, I get it. I have all kinds of friends who do all kinds of things, and I don't agree with some of it, though it can be very alluring. When I make a mistake, all that matters is I am the first one to call myself on it. I don't always do that, because it's embarrassing, or to be honest, I don't feel bad about it, or I do feel bad about it.My choices are MY CHOICES, and YOUR CHOICES are YOUR CHOICES. Period. If you are having to constantly cover your tracks, perhaps you aren't owning your life. It's something you'll have to think about all of your life, and it's tough, but we all have to do it. We can do it together. Rule #2: Nobody's cool, and everyone's quirky
"Cool" and "popular" are relative terms. They change with the situation, the scenario, the place, the times. If you live to be cool, you will never be cool, but you will be in constant agony. I know what you're thinking, "the uncool girl is trying to validate her lameness by trashing others." I'm not, truly. I'm just saying, who really sets the standard of cool? You do. Every person has an ideal to them what "cool" is, so how can anyone really be "cool", if nobody can determine the same definition? For example, cool to me is someone who is fun, makes me laugh, and is just a sincere person; but to someone else, cool might be someone who likes to party, or someone who wears Ray-Bans and spends their time being ironic. So, instead of searching for the "cool" group, spend that time enjoying who you are- with all your quirks. I'm the first to admit I am quirky. I laugh at my own jokes, think the Disney Channel is cool, read in my free time, and am constantly making jokes (and laughing at them, as before mentioned.) I have some awesome friends, and I like them because of their "quirks" - which is so often put in a dim light, but to be honest, is what makes "you" as a person. One of my best friends is totally sarcastic, I have another who makes up songs all the time, another who will sit and do Garth and Kat impressions with me. That stuff is fun, and great, and it's what makes you YOU. Don't be afraid of who you truly are, because, believe it or not, people do like you for you. There is someone out there (and I bet more than one someone) who likes you all the way; whether you be the "prude" girl who laughs like she is gasping for air, or the most beautiful girl in the world who has a dream to be a Disney princess. You don't know unless you live, with all your quirks and qualities.
Rule #3: Life is Do or Die
Life doesn't have second chances; you may have a similar situation, but it is never the same as the first time around. It has been tainted somehow- either by mistake, missed opportunity, or regret. So, whatever you do, do it right the first time. This really applies to more areas then you think. In college, you might get three grades for one class, and NO retakes. So you better be busting your butt the first grade, because you don't know if those last two grades are going to save you. Sure, you can retake the class, but if you're trying to get into grad school, is that going to look so good that you failed P.E.? Not so much. So you either do the work, or die with the consequences. That's academic, but this rule can go into your social life as well. You can either be all of a friend all the time, or don't even bother being a friend at all, because I can guarantee you, NOBODY want's the "fair weather friend". I have had one too many friends who only want to hang out when no one else is around, and will cancel on you last minute if something better comes up. Trust me, that really sucks. I can speak for the dumped, and it's heartbreak you never really get over. If you are the Fair Weather Friend, don't expect that friend to just wait around. Sooner or later, they'll come to their senses, and you'll have lost a great friend. Do or Die. Do it right the first time, because you just never know what life is going to hand you next, and there are no guarantees you'll be handed a do-over.
Rule #4: Patience isn't a Virtue; It's Life
You will always be waiting for something; whether you're waiting for the bus, your test grade, your first boyfriend, your baby's sex, your first job interview, or death. Everyone is waiting in life, and there is nothing you can do about it. Time is something that is not in human control- you cannot add hours to the day, nor take them away. We can't speed it up to get to certain point, or slow it down to avoid an obstacle. We all have to endure what life gives us, and trust me, life is short. We try so much to get from one point to the next, that we miss everything in between. We need to just stop, slow down, and enjoy what life has given us. You'll be surprised at all the stuff you've missed along the way.
Rule #5: Nobody knows what they're doing
There is only one person who knows exactly how to live the perfect life. He told us how to live it, left us basic instructions, but He's no dummy; he know's it's not easy. No matter who you are, you always have room to grow and learn. Heck, it took me 17 years to learn 5 Rules, and I know life is more complicated than that. So, I'll stumble, succeed, fall, win, learn, and grow, with the only person who knows exactly how to do everything exactly right. So, don't worry about it. It's ok to make mistakes, as long as you learn and try not to do them again. It's ok to be sad, as long as you agree to try and be happy. It's alright to be a follower, if when it's your turn to lead, you don't shirk from the light. Nobody's perfect, well, no HUMAN, except one, in the history of the whole world has lived a perfect life; we'll all make mistakes. Just promise me you'll get back up, dust of the seat of your pants, and keep going.
Life will be full of heartbreak, triumph, trials, and success. You can't always win, but you can always try. These five rules have gotten me to where I am today; but I'm not perfect. I'll continue through life, break my own rules, mend fences, and build new rules. I have a teacher, and his biggest rule is to "Do Right." If you just "Do Right", you'll be alright. You don't need to worry about memorizing every rule I say, but just focus on doing right, and you'll accomplish all these things and beyond.
Congratulations to the Class of 2011; I am so happy to have met every single one of you, and I wish you all the best of luck on your future. I hope you are happy, fruitful, and live life in the Light.
To everyone else, I want you to be happy with exactly where you are in life. You don't get a chance to redo today, so make it the best today it can be. You may not get a second chance, but you can always start over. It's never too late to do the right thing. Never.
I love you all very much, and miss you all already. I know, however, you're going to do great things.
With All My Love,
Olive :)
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