Thursday, April 28, 2011

What do you get when the reality tv star meets the Royal Family and the King?

           I love CSI: Miami. I like regular CSI too, I suppose, but I really love CSI: Miami. I don't know-I just think it's more exciting and fun to watch. I was watching an episode earlier this week, and it featured reality stars. I guess I didn't realize that the people we see on reality tv are not really authentic, but in the show, once the "stars" were off set, they were totally different people. One was a Christian Priest, one was a married women, the other a drug dealer, and the last girl was the valedictorian of her class at MIT. However, when the cameras started rolling, they were all a gang of hoodlums from "The Burrows" in NYC. It was a good episode. 
       I think God was trying to tell me something, because later on, when I turned on one of my other favorite shows, Victorious ( I know, I know, my taste in entertainment is either preteen or old lady. What can you do?) This episode was also about reality stars: the cast was put in a reality show and the producers took their regular lives and made it into something else. It was all hypocritical of all "reality."  
    Earlier this morning, I received a text message from a close friend, basically calling me out. She was reminding me to stand firm in my belief, no matter what. So, today, I'm going to open up my heart to you guys. To this "Unsafe" haven that we call the internet. I'm going to share with you what I believe, with my whole heart. I'm not going to be "un-real" any longer.  
    I believe in the mission of the InterFaith Youth Core. It's a program that allows all people of different religions to come together and celebrate who they are and their beliefs, without fear of persecution from other people. I heard the founder, Eboo Patel, speak on it, and it just spoke to my heart. I have always believed in other religions. Let me explain this better- I believe in Jesus Christ, with my whole heart. He is the lord of my soul, and my Redeemer. However, I also believe in others getting the chance to celebrate what they believe without fear of my judgment (or others) on them. If you want to join the Interfaith movement, I recommend Eboo Patel's book, Acts of Faith:The Story of An American Muslim, the Struggle for the Soul of a Generation. He describes the movement he started better than I ever could. 
    As for what I believe, it is this. I believe there is one way to get to heaven- through the blood of Jesus Christ. I do not think you need to earn your way there, because he has already paid the price. I don't believe in trying to be perfect; however, I do try to live up to the potential that God has called for his followers. I can do this without fear, because when I fall, I know that He is there to pick me up, and guide me. I believe that being a Christian is not always easy, but God did not promise it would be easy; he merely said that he would be with us always, and would never reject me, no matter what I did. 
      There is so much more I could write, but I just have to let you know, Jesus in my life is the best thing that has ever happened to me. When I think about Him, when I think about God, my heart fills up with joy that I can't even begin to explain. It is happiness, and light, and pure. It reminds me of what is good and what is bad; it guides me through the troubling times that have come into my life this past year, and He alone has brought me and my family through them. He has held my hand, and never let go. We walked through it all together- I never felt alone, because I never was alone.   
   I have not always been like this though. I have grown up in a Christian church, but for so long I merely just went through the motions. I did the Christian things to get prizes and win respect in my family and friend's eyes. However, I felt nothing. On the outside, I was a model Christian girl; I did not party, sleep around, drink, break rules. I did what I was told. On the inside, I was greedy. I murdered in my heart, I spit on people's names, I laughed at God's perfect plan. I tried to obtain love and "fame" on my own terms, but in the end I got nowhere. By the end of my sophomore year, I was unhappy. Miserable. Alone. I felt nothing. I felt only ugly. 
     I was reluctant to go to summer camp that year. I hadn't been since my eighth grade summer, the one before freshmen year. I didn't want to spend that time at some hokey pokey camp, where everyone was so much more developed in their faith then I was. I didn't want to feel left out, because I didn't really have many friends. My mom forced me to go, however, and I took a friend, because I didn't really know anyone there who I could room with. It turned my life around.  It was there God touched my heart, and reminded me how much I was worth to Him. How much we are all worth to him. We are precious and beautiful in His sight, and He reminded me of the great plans He has for me. He kissed away my tears, and wrapped me in an everlasting embrace. 
     My junior year, I fought Him in the beginning. I was unhappy, but it was all I knew. It was comfortable, safe. As the year progressed, he brought new people into my life, new experiences. I didn't know he was growing my strength and reliance in Him, so I would be strong enough for this year. For what is yet to come. It has taken me so many years to just get where I am today- and He is not finished with me. Not yet. 
       As most all of us know, this Friday marks the wedding of Prince William of Wales and Kate Middelton. Most everyone knows that Prince William has a brother named Prince Harry-but we don't know much about him, except that he likes to party and will never rule. Last night, I was watching a special on Harry, called "Wild about Prince Harry". In that documentary, they couldn't help emphasize how much his mother (Princess Diana) loved him. She knew he would never be king, but he treated William and Harry exactly the same. She loved them both to the best of her abilities, and both new the reverent love of their mother.
     That, is how I can best describe God's love for us. We will never be William- we will never be Jesus- we cannot be King. However, God loves us just the same. We all screw up, and are not perfect. God, loved us so much though, still. We are His creation, he would do anything for us. Even if we are the lesser thing in the universe. He loves us just the same. We are just as great in his sight as Jesus. In fact, in the Bible, God says that when the world ends, Jesus will be at his right side, and we will be right there beside him. Harry was born unimportant;  he would not rule, just a bonus in the family. His mother, however, knew. She knew the greatness he would become, and loved him just as much as the one who had greatness thrust upon him. She loved them. God loves us- more than we will ever be able to comprehend.
     That's what I believe. So, when you read this blog, you'll know exactly my perspective- you'll know where I'm coming from. I come from a loving Father, who wants to love you; all of you. No matter how broken you are, no matter what you have done. He loves all people, of all nations, of all beliefs and backgrounds. So do I. I want to be like my Father- just as most children do. 

I love you, but never as much as my Father does,
Olive :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

If I told you this blog was about God, will you still read it?

      On Good Friday, my sister was in a drama at my church. She loves to do theater, so it was really no surprise that she would be doing something like that. I was very excited to see her, but my reaction to her performance startled me. 
   The play was about a grandfather, a son, and the son's daughter not wanting to live by God's plan. At the end, each member comes out carrying a cross. To my surprise, I started to cry. I have never been more proud of my sister, in any other instance. She was proudly proclaiming what she believed, and my heart rejoiced. She was honoring the God that makes my heart glad. She was not shirking away, but yet standing firm in her beliefs. 
      I like to think that I live out my beliefs wherever I go- I know I probably don't all the time, but I try my best. I think that is so important. I think, that in all faiths, and in life, that is important. Whatever you believe, you must sell yourself to it. It really makes me think of the saying; "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything."  
      Essentially, human beings need to believe in something. As much as we claim to be independent, we cannot do things alone. Whether we believe in a God, a Family member, some principle, or even ourselves, we are putting our self worth and idea of success based on the principles of that thing. 
    The way we live our lives shows what we really believe. We can speak something, but not act on it. If we really believed it, then we would live it. That is the simple truth. 
      My sophomore year of high school, I did not know what I believed; therefore, I did not know who I was. I stayed out late on Saturday nights, I cussed around my "cool" friends, I often skipped church, and felt that my peers importance was more important than God's. Therefore, when I walked around saying I believed in God, no one took me seriously.  
    I know I'm labeled as a prude. I'm called "a good girl", "innocent", or "nice." I don't set out trying to be those things- I'm just following what I believe is right. In no way am I perfect, and I know sometimes I don't do such a good job of it, but it's my attempts and perseverance that impresses God most. He'd rather me fall and depend on Him to pick me back up, rather than not try at all. Maybe you see those things as a "bad thing", or as "no fun." I guess than, we serve different beings.  
      I just wish to you, whatever you believe, that it leaves you full. That it makes your heart burst like my Beloved does mine.  I know some of you think I'm wasting my time on this. But in the words of C.S. Lewis " Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, is of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important."  
    Whatever you think is right, that is your God. Even if you claim to be Atheist your God is No God. Sell yourself to it. That is the only way to really know what it is you seek.  
      I love the movie Godspell. Though some Christians call it blasphemy, it is not. It focuses on Jesus' teachings, and who he was on Earth, what that would have looked like. What I like most about it, though, is how those people sell themselves out to Jesus. They don't care that they are literally clowns-they follow Jesus wherever he goes; proclaiming his Name. It's catchy and fun and upbeat- and full of truth. 
        So, you may be Muslim, Jewish, or Hindu; whatever it is you are, don't let anyone call you a hypocrite. Be authentic, and though you may not always be the coolest, you'll rest knowing you are being real to yourself, and your God. That, at least, I think, is the true meaning of life. 

I love you guys, 
Olive :)

Friday, April 22, 2011

The King and I

"When did the defects start?" 
           "I've, always b-been this way."  
"I doubt that." 
"Don't tell me, it's my stammer!"
"It's my field. I can assure you, no infant starts with a stammer." 

    My mother and I just recently watched the critically acclaimed picture, The Kings Speech. It was a beautiful, heart wrenching, masterpiece of a movie. It will make you cry, make you laugh, and inspire you to do something better with your life. I loved it. It was a wonderful tale about two people of totally different classes defying all odds.  
      This movie made a greater impact me, than it might on others, however. When I face this scary yet exciting new monster called College next year, I plan on studying Speech Therapy. So, naturally, this movie, which is all about speech therapy, would be appealing to me. 
    This blog is not to be a movie review. There is a reason why I so much loved The Kings Speech, and there is a reason why I would like to be a Speech Therapist. The reason is the same. 
     Your Voice. 
    Those who know me, know I am quite possibly one of the chattiest girls you will ever meet. If you don't think so, then maybe you don't really know me as well as you thought. I always have something to say, and am thankful that I have the ability to say it. I want to be a Speech Therapist so that every one has the chance to express themselves, to declare who they truly are. 
      What makes me sad, though, is when people have a voice, and yet, they do not use it. Who you are, your personality, your quirks, your charm, your defects, they all add up essentially to what makes you so magnificent. People with speech impediments feel more nervous to elucidate themselves, because, quite frankly, they "can't talk right". I have found, throughout my short seventeen years, people tend to take on impediments to avoid being who they really are.  
    Now, I am not speaking of literally impediments, but imagined ones. Fears. Perhaps you do not think you are good enough, so you take on an
"Excessive Worker" lisp. Or, you think that you are too "good" or too "bad" for people to like you; so you take on a "Morally Ambiguous" tongue. The possibilities of "illness'" are endless.  
    If you have seen Glee, you know in the first season that Tina pretended to have a lisp to "get out of things". To avoid challenges, to avoid being shot down. I think a lot of us, myself included, also take on "lisps" for this very same reason. Though, unlike The Duke of York, we are more easily cured. 
     Take courage in who you are. In the beauty and wonder God ( or whomever you believe) created you to be. You are absolutely who you are supposed to be. Do not be afraid to be who you are. Whether you are a really good girl, some nerdy guy, the coolest boy in school, or whomever, don't EVER be afraid to let your light shine. Let your "voice" be heard. Never stop being you. You are much to precious, to beautiful to hide your light. As long as you are truly being you,  than no matter your Voice, your song will be sweet. 

Raise your voice, 
Olive :)