Tuesday, April 26, 2011

If I told you this blog was about God, will you still read it?

      On Good Friday, my sister was in a drama at my church. She loves to do theater, so it was really no surprise that she would be doing something like that. I was very excited to see her, but my reaction to her performance startled me. 
   The play was about a grandfather, a son, and the son's daughter not wanting to live by God's plan. At the end, each member comes out carrying a cross. To my surprise, I started to cry. I have never been more proud of my sister, in any other instance. She was proudly proclaiming what she believed, and my heart rejoiced. She was honoring the God that makes my heart glad. She was not shirking away, but yet standing firm in her beliefs. 
      I like to think that I live out my beliefs wherever I go- I know I probably don't all the time, but I try my best. I think that is so important. I think, that in all faiths, and in life, that is important. Whatever you believe, you must sell yourself to it. It really makes me think of the saying; "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything."  
      Essentially, human beings need to believe in something. As much as we claim to be independent, we cannot do things alone. Whether we believe in a God, a Family member, some principle, or even ourselves, we are putting our self worth and idea of success based on the principles of that thing. 
    The way we live our lives shows what we really believe. We can speak something, but not act on it. If we really believed it, then we would live it. That is the simple truth. 
      My sophomore year of high school, I did not know what I believed; therefore, I did not know who I was. I stayed out late on Saturday nights, I cussed around my "cool" friends, I often skipped church, and felt that my peers importance was more important than God's. Therefore, when I walked around saying I believed in God, no one took me seriously.  
    I know I'm labeled as a prude. I'm called "a good girl", "innocent", or "nice." I don't set out trying to be those things- I'm just following what I believe is right. In no way am I perfect, and I know sometimes I don't do such a good job of it, but it's my attempts and perseverance that impresses God most. He'd rather me fall and depend on Him to pick me back up, rather than not try at all. Maybe you see those things as a "bad thing", or as "no fun." I guess than, we serve different beings.  
      I just wish to you, whatever you believe, that it leaves you full. That it makes your heart burst like my Beloved does mine.  I know some of you think I'm wasting my time on this. But in the words of C.S. Lewis " Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, is of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important."  
    Whatever you think is right, that is your God. Even if you claim to be Atheist your God is No God. Sell yourself to it. That is the only way to really know what it is you seek.  
      I love the movie Godspell. Though some Christians call it blasphemy, it is not. It focuses on Jesus' teachings, and who he was on Earth, what that would have looked like. What I like most about it, though, is how those people sell themselves out to Jesus. They don't care that they are literally clowns-they follow Jesus wherever he goes; proclaiming his Name. It's catchy and fun and upbeat- and full of truth. 
        So, you may be Muslim, Jewish, or Hindu; whatever it is you are, don't let anyone call you a hypocrite. Be authentic, and though you may not always be the coolest, you'll rest knowing you are being real to yourself, and your God. That, at least, I think, is the true meaning of life. 

I love you guys, 
Olive :)

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