So my family and I finally joined 2011, and got IPhones. I'm totally enraptured in all that comes with owning an IPhone (though I bought it from Radio Shack) . I am convinced it is the best thing to have ever have happened to telephone technology ,minus those clear phones we all wanted in the third grade.. you know what I am talking about.
I don't own those fancy IPhone 4g's, and to be honest, minus the shape, I don't really understand the difference. However, when I brought my IPhone to church today, it received a different reception than I had expected.
When people saw I had gotten an IPhone, instead of "Oh Cool!" or "Let me Look!" which is to be expected among girls when one of us gets anything, no matter how trivial, (which I don't think boys quite understand) I was greeted with quite a different reaction.
Instead, I heard remarks such as "Oh, those always break", "I'm so over the IPhone", or "it's only a 3g?" I started to doubt the worth of my new trinket, and the greatness I had once seen in it begin to dim.
Now, I'm not saying that is all I heard. There was the thoughts of envy and excitement from others that I had gotten something "so cool". Saving comments, if you will.
Obviously, I am not emotionally invested in this phone. I mean, come on. It's a phone, and sure, it's totally gnarly (as Charlie Sheen would say)-but it is just a material object. However, being good enough, that's something I struggle with everyday. I'm thinking I may not be alone in that idea. I feel like a 3G in a world of 4G's.
I have been blessed with such beautiful and inspirational friends; each one of them playing a different purpose in building me up. Each of them possessing qualities that I wish I could have, to build a better me.
When do we ever get to be "good" enough?
When do we feel like we are good enough for the World?
Ta-Da, I have an answer! We won't. We will never be something we aren't supposed to be. I will never be Hannah Montana, no matter how hard I cross my fingers and scrunch my eyes and click my heels. We just physically can't be something we aren't.
Now, don't give up hope just yet. Just because you can't be someone else, doesn't mean you can't be the best possible version of yourself. Every single one of us can be successful, beautiful, "spiritual",whatever; if we accept that fact that we are the best version of OURSELVES.
Let me break this down: I like to sing. I sing all the time. I am no Lea Michelle; I will never ever be an Broadway caliber of a singer. If I accept the fact that I will probably never be a Hansen Brother, than I can go on singing to my hearts content (and trust me, I do.)
"So you're saying that I should accept mediocrity?"
Negative, Ghost rider. What I'm saying, is don't sell yourself short, but take into account who you are. You can be the most beautiful girl in the world, and still feel like you come up lacking. We all feel less then what we are. However, what we're doing is lying to ourselves.
Let me tell you about this girl I once knew, Genvieve. Genvieve is a beautiful girl who has a fantastic personality, charisma, smarts, and a caring heart. However, Genvieve would change who she was, to try to fit in with a certain "crowd", and in the end, would come up short. She never felt like she was ever apart of anything.
Maybe those kids were mean, or maybe Genvieve was shallow. It could be both. You know what I think it was, though? Genvieve couldn't accept who she was, and in turn, others didn't either.
I know that you won't believe me, but every single person has something about them that makes them beautiful. Sure, sometimes it is physical beauty. Sometimes, it's a skill, a talent, a characteristic. Usually it's a combination of all of these things. Don't pretend like you're a 3G when you are in all reality, are a 5G. You're so spectacular, no one even knows what to do with you.
You were designed the way you are on purpose. Don't be embarrassed to be who you are. You have value. You are amazing. You are you on purpose.
Once, I had a leader at DNOW, and she said something to me I have never forgotten;
" If we were all to be who we really are, and live for the purpose we were designed for, we would live in as close to a perfect world as we could get."
It's not always fear of society that inhibits us from being ourselves. Sometimes, it's us. Don't be afraid to be who you are. You are good enough.
Sunshine & Naps,
Olive :)
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