This is my third blog in the course of three days; I can guarantee once school starts up again, I will not be posting as often. However, I am now, so enjoy it, or skim it, or whatever. So, onto my blog!
I have found a new love of my life. It's called SKYPE. This is truly a beautiful thing. Now, I have had Skype for a while, but now all my friends have gotten webcams, so Skype now possess' a purpose. It allows me to talk to people even faster than a text message, and sometimes even see people when I talk to them. It might be even better than text messaging.
Scratch that. Nothing is better than text messaging; it has a special place in my heart. That's right- I'm the mass texter, the one who sends five long texts in a row all on different topics, the person you HATE to respond to. I just love to text though- it let's me talk to my friends all the time. I always have something to say, either a bible verse, a joke, funny situation, whatever. I would hate to be out of contact, it makes me feel so alone. We're never truly alone, but still, it's an uncomfortable notion, to feel alone. Some people prefer it; I am not in that group.
Back to Skype: true fact, I hardly ever use the webcam. I don't have a fancy laptop with a webcam built in, I have a webcam that you have to attach. (If you had been wondering, I think that should answer your MAC/PC question.) I hate having to set it up, so I usually prefer to chat. Also, I hate looking at myself on the screen; I tend to start to use it as a mirror. It is quite ridiculous. I am, however, a HUGE fan of the chat function. I could do that all day. You can chat with so many people at one time, and you can even leave them messages! It's just really, really great.
What's weird is though, sometimes people add me on Skype that I don't really know. I know who they are, but I have no idea how they know me. ( I'm not going to lie, I also do this to people I think seem really great.) They add me, but then they never chat me. If I didn't always feel like such a creeper, I would totally chat with anyone it would let me. I love to make new friends. (SENDING SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES. ADD ME ON SKYPE.)
Alright, enough of this tech talk; this is almost as nerdy as my love of google chrome. Today, I went to the school talent show; or better yet, the school voice recital, with a couple other people who do something musical related.
Have you ever noticed that? That when people talk about talents, people assume it has to be something musical related? I wonder why that is. Also, it interests me how many people think they are musically inclined when they really are not. If you don't actually posses the talent to be a good singer/musician, is it really that big of a deal? Talent's don't have to be stuff that makes you look awesome, they can just be things you're good at, like math and basketball. ( Two talent's I wish I had.)
I guess I really can't be talking; I'm one that you would classify as "musically inclined." I sing, play piano, snare, marimba, but none of these very well. Except, I do play a mean cowbell. You always need more cowbell.
At the winter talent show, along with singing and drumming, there was also dancing. This was my favorite part, other than the boys who rapped. [ One was a human beat box, he literally auto tuned himself. It was phenomenal. ] There were your standard jazz-trying-to-be-hip-hop dances, but you would be surprised how talented my fellow classmates really are. My friend Gracie performed a mean hula- how she can get her booty to shake that way is beyond me. Hula is something they do not teach you while playing Kinect. Along with jazz and hula, we even had the viewing pleasure of burlesque, or as my friend Erica calls it, "soft core porn". It involved four girls, chairs, and an r&b one hit wonder. It is exactly what you're thinking. Though not my cup of tea, you have to appreciate their self confidence. They did something I could never do.
My life has turned into friend dates. {FRIEND DATES- time one on one with a close friend, or group of friends. You do exactly what you would not do on dates, and with no romantic involvement.} My friends get me- they also appreciate staying home to watch TV, sleep, play video games/Facebook and Skype/chat roulette as a good day well spent. We do get out- we're not moles. However, with work schedules and teenage laziness, we usually just hang out at other people's houses. I can't help it- I'm a bum.
Friend dates our essential in a good friendship. It sounds cliche, but hanging out in big groups going places all the time, it's kind of hard to grow one on one relationships with people. "Friendships that last a lifetime". I guess that goes back to what I was saying about loneliness; you get out of it what you put into it. It can backfire on you, though; you can become overzealous. Instead of drawing people near, you repel them. I can have that problem if I don't keep it in check. We all kind of fall into one of the two categories; unless you're just really, really great. Which undoubtedly, you are. :)
I actually have a friend date tomorrow with my lovely friend Rod at ten in the morning. (Why I agreed to let it be that early, I have no idea.) I'm pretty sure it will involve a lot of webcam use, just dance, and Andy Samberg. I'm ecstatic; I think it's going to be a really fun day.
Speaking of friend dates, me and three of my best friends (Erica, Rod, and Audrey) have entered a contest to win the ultimate friend date! We are BIG fans of Saturday Night Live; I even own the Lonely Island CD. Our local radio station is holding a contest in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. day, where you submit your dream and they will grant as many of them as possible. One of our dreams has been to actually see SNL live, and would love to all see it before we go our separate ways for University. (Audrey to Colorado, Rod to College Station/Denton, Erica to Austin/Lubbock/California, and me to Fayetteville.) It just would be the coolest thing ever to see SNL LIVE, in New York City. I've been there twice, but it gets better every time I go.
Now, I'm not very lucky; I don't usually win things, get the dream guy, the perfect score, etc. However, I'm feeling good about this. All four of us entered asking for the same thing, so hopefully our entries stand out. Who knows what's going to happen! I'll keep you updated.
Keep your fingers crossed for us!
Until the band aids,
Olive :)
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