Saturday, January 22, 2011

Thin Mints Are Better Frozen

What beautiful best friends* I have. 
(not all are present in photo)
    I have been sick with the flu. It has perfectly awful because I never get sick, so when I actually do get sick, I feel like a burden to my family. Not to mention, I miss school, which sounds a peach, but really when you're laying around like a bum and you KNOW you have tons of work to make up, you'd probably just rather be there. (I missed PRE-CAL!!!! UGHHH!!! -shake fist to sky- ) 
     In addition to the lame way I will be spending my weekend doing homework, I had very exciting plans for this weekend I now can not attend. What plans? Oh, let me tell you. Friday was the Wide Receiver Jersey day, that I did not get to participate in or be in the picture. (and I love pictures) Also, on Thursday, I had to miss work, which I HATE doing. No work=no money. Today (Saturday) is the Winter Formal and the Anti-Winter Formal ( I feel like my life has become a Meg Cabot novel) and I will not be able to attend either. BUT, I will not let a common virus defeat me!  
      Being sick would have been totally miserable if I did not have such fantastic friends. If you did not know, you would have thought I was dying, rather than just having the household flu. I got various texts, messages, and phone calls inquiring on my state of being. Along with all those wishes, my friend Nessie dropped off a card she and my Pal, and her Pal had made me! { PAL- a program at my school where you are a "special buddy" to an elementary student with a troubled situation. } It was so cute! To add even more to my ego, Clarence colored me a get well picture and brought over soup! (She didn't actually bring it, because she got in trouble. Her thought, though, was just as good as her literally bringing it in my book.) I continued to be spoiled when Kitty brought me a powerade slushie from Sonic, my favorite. I have such great best friends.  
      Note I said "best friends." I view friendship differently than other people, I suppose. It all goes back to my childhood. (Doesn't it always, though?) When I was younger, I always wanted to be someone's best friend who already had a best friend. It caused a lot of heart break and strife as a five year old. From middle school, I decided not to live that way.  
        My friend Reid once asked me, in disbelief, (or just being snarky) " You really don't have a best friend?" Err, kind of. You see, I believe every friend I have is my best friend. I don't understand why I have to limit myself to one person. What happens if me and that person got in a fight?  So, rather than isolating myself to just one person, I have a group of kids I call my best friends. It's rather large. 
       Every single best friend I have is different. They all bring something different, unique, something totally their own to the table. They all provide something different for me; a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold, a swift kick in the butt. Some of my friends don't like other friends I have- they question why I could be friends with "so-and-so" or "such-and-such." For the same reason I can be friends with the former. When you treat someone with respect, like a close friend, like a dear friend, you will get it back.  If they have done nothing to you, and even treat you in such a way, what right do you have to think of them as anything else? 
      There is nothing wrong with having one or two best friends. If you plan on buying friendship necklaces, that would probably be ideal. I have never been too conventional though. This is the kind of friendship I need; a support system, that I individually support back, each in the way that works best for them.  
        So let me speak out on behalf of the friends I have: they can be crass, loud, obnoxious, and vulgar. Some are sweet, kind, others are sarcastic and moody. I love it. I love every single one of them, and care so much about every one that I have. I love to make new ones, and I treasure the old ones. We look out for each other.  
        BUT, I have some friends who  "don't play well with others." Not saying they are mean, but they can be judgmental, or think they are "holier" than someone else (whether they are religious or not) ,wary of change, or even just be afraid. Afraid to meet new people, afraid of people who are different than them. This makes me so sad. So many great friendships go without new life, because we're afraid to put ourselves out there. Speaking as a veteran of that land, I know how scary it can be. People are usually worth the risk though, and if they're not, move it bro. I promise, someone else wants to be friends with someone as kickin' as you.  
      Obviously, I can't be everyone's best friend. I can, however, treat all people that way. You get back what you give out. Be like a girl scout, " make new friends, but keep the old, some are silver and the others gold". ( Which means, ALL my friends are valuable. I love all of you.)  
          Alright. This blog has come to a close. SNL Update: We did not win. It was a good try though, ladies. Thanks for all the support. Also, on Tuesday, I will have a "colorful" surprise. Well, it might not be on here till the weekend. Depends when I get back. I'm very nervous/excited. I hope everyone likes it (including myself.) Also, I have some exciting news, but I have decided to save it for a later date.  

Love and Pillow Pets,
Olive :)

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