Sunday, February 27, 2011

Who is that Crazy Olive Girl?

     So many times I get asked why I am the way I am. Why I believe what I believe. Why I am always nice. Why I waste my time on a God "that can't be proved" Why I go to church. I get classified as the "goody two shoes" and written off as no fun.  

     Today, I'll do what we at church call a testimony. But even more so, I'm going to bare my soul for the internet world. I'll take it in levels. Are you ready for this? 
  I am the cheesiest person you will ever meet. I love the Disney Channel, and own all the Justin Bieber c.d's. I don't understand what most curse words mean, and I don't particularly enjoy raunchy things. (Though, I'm a fan of SNL, so I don't know how that worked out.) I love TV, especially perfectly horrible ones like Vampire Diaries and Pretty Little Liars. I love school; I love to read. I like to go on adventures, and do silly things like spend money on scented bubbles and volunteering. I sing more often than I speak. I love indie music, and really I love most anything I can sing too. I believe in the good in every person I meet, and give second, third, and fourth chances. I love to laugh, and I just love to love. A kind word, or a note, or a smile can make my whole day. You may call that simple, but I would describe it as Happiness. I just am happy. 
  I play the role of everyone's best friend. I don't know how this happens, but I often find myself mediating arguments, and you know what, that is ok with me. I love to be there for people. I love to love. I can't help but want to make people laugh, and I don't have "one" best friend. I am close to alot of people, because that is who I am. I will do anything for a friend. I believe in good morals, but I won't judge you if your's are different than mine. Who am I to judge you? I'll support you, and never leave you, no matter how rotten you treat me, and I'm sorry if I have ever treated you badly. I don't know why I am that way, but I just am. I'm also insecure, like anyone else. I think I have a big nose, and fivehead. I don't see myself as beautiful, like the friends I surround myself with, and I am ashamed I think like that. But no one is perfect.   
    My heart and my soul are not the same. My heart is the core guiding factor, because it's a heart of God. I start everyday in His word, and he is the reason I am the way I am. He forgives me for all the crap I do, he Loves me unconditionally, he always thinks I'm beautiful, he DIED for me. He gave me all these things, and I don't have to do ANYTHING for it. There is nothing I can do to earn it, and I will never be able to pay him back. He promises me a life full of love and happiness and grace, and all I have to do is love him. By loving him, it makes me who I am. It's all free. I just can't describe the kind of love I feel in my heart for God, and especially lately, it has gotten me through some really tough stuff. Without him, I don't know who I'd be. I'm just glad I never have to find out. Someone to save me from my sins, someone who died for me, someone who promised me eternal life. I just couldn't pass that up. A Father's love for someone as imperfect as me? I just can't fathom that. That is so beautiful to me. 
   So there you go. That's me, in a nutshell. I guess you might have expected something more thrilling, but I am not that exciting of a person. All I do is love everyone I meet. That's who I am. That's who I was Created to be. You know what? I love you. And when I tell you that, I hope you believe it. Because now you know I really mean it. 

Who are you? 
Olive :)

1 comment:

  1. Olivia: You are definitely a beautiful person - inside AND out!! I can only hope that my kids have a love for God and others as you do. I wish you all lived closer, you and your sister are such great role models!!
